Ecommerce in Spain grows 11 percent. Fashion largest online sector

Ecommerce in Spain was worth €57.7 billion in 2021

In 2021, the value of Spanish e-commerce exceeded 57.7 billion euros. Compared to the previous year, this represented an increase of 11.7%. This expansion was mostly the result of international sales. Ecommerce in Spain reached 16.9 billion euros in the fourth quarter of 2021, a 15.8% increase from the previous year’s period, according to the Spanish National Commission of Markets and Competence’s (CNMC).

Cross-border sales

To reach 334 million, the number of transactions increased by 8.6 percent in 2021. Sixty-five percent of those transactions were recorded overseas. This indicates that a sizable portion of internet transactions in Spain involved international sales.

Additionally, cross-border sales accounted for 60% of Q4’s total revenue. These had a value of 10.156 billion euros, an increase of 14% from the previous year. European Union consumers accounted for most of the cross-border sales (90%).

However, transactions outside Spain led to a turnover of 1,56 billion euros in the fourth quarter. Compared to the previous year’s period, this represents a growth of 27.7%. A minimum of 59.6% of these purchases came from the European Union.

Fashion largest online sector

Ecommerce revenue within Spain also increased by 16%, reaching 5,2 billion euros. When looking at sectors generating the highest turnover, fashion takes first place with a share of 8 percent of the total turnover. It is followed by financial intermediation services (6.6%) and travel agencies (5.3%).

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