Donate and Help Ukrainians by Owning an NFT – Every Penny Counts

Donate and Help Ukrainians

The world is united, and every individual is doing its bit to help those who are in need. That is not enough. Everyone can do more. Together we can do more. Every little step counts, every penny counts. Donate and help Ukrainians. Futurumshop, Icecat, Bintime, Vondel, and Hatch together pledged $570k so far and we can increase this amount at least by $10K more. How? By owning an Icecat NFT (non-fungible token).

Icecat group decided to donate 100 NFTs, each with a unique product datasheet and all the collected amounts will be donated to the UAid Charity.

How can I buy an Icecat NFT?

There are many options. Coinbase and Metamask wallet users could follow these steps.

Where to find the Icecat NFTs?

Please find all Icecat NFTs here.

Each NFT has a unique ID from 0 to 99. 
NFT with ID 0:

Donate by owning an NFT to help Ukrainians via UAid Charity.

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