Dashboard for Ranking Brands to Provide Syndication Insights


Icecat captures data that is valuable for brands. Brands can utilize this data to gain insights about their products, their relative market position, trends and market dynamics. Therefore, we are building a new dashboard through which brands can leverage this information in addition to the detailed statistics that we are already reporting on a regular basis.

Icecat has a variety of information like downloads, page views, reviews, price and stock information, collected in various dimensions such as language, country, categories and active users. The usage data gives a perspective of the reach of a brand’s products, and their attractiveness to consumers. Besides usage metrics, we calculate completion scores, geo-availability of products, sales-out estimates, etc. The dashboard will feature the usage stats, and other icecat metrics.

Introducing Brand Rankings

Using this data, Icecat is going to roll-out its ranking system for brands, which it already publishes on an annualized basis. A brand rank is calculated as a function of the number of downloads. Of course, a brand rank is more meaningful if it can be used to compare with other brands in the same category. Our dashboard will feature a comparison of brand competitors. The competitors list will be generated based on product categories, and geographies.

Another useful metric icecat we can provide is invested capital. Invested capital is the value of available stock in the market. In other terms, it is the value derived by multiplying the average price of a product with availability (stock) data. It will give insights into sales potential to brands. Such information is quite valuable in a supply chain to avoid bullwhip effects.

While certain data is interesting at a static point of time, most of them are only useful if the dynamic element of time is added. So, the dashboard will show changes to metrics over time. For example, as products go through their life cycle, their datasheets usefulness will change over time. Therefore, the dashboard will show various time-series data including changes to brand rank.

Illustration of the dashboard

  • Trends for Brand rank in icecat
  • Competitive Brand rank
  • Sales information / Invested capital
  • Number of products per category
  • Number of products per category per region
  • Active products per category
  • Rank for products
  • Number of downloads

Further, we can extend the statistics by analyzing information about specifications per brand and compare them with other products in the same category. This can help the brands to have an outside-in perspective for tech drivers within certain categories.

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