Chinese IMOU Product Content Available for Italian Channel Partners

Avatar for Vittorio Marino
IMOU product content

The IMOU brand, part of the Chinese Dahua Technology company, is a manufacturer of consumer IoT products. It has a wide range of products, for example, security cameras, doorbells, remote controls, and lamps.  Dahua Technology has more than 18,000 employees all over the world. 180 countries and regions use Dahua solutions, products, and services. It has 58 subsidiaries globally covering Asia, the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Oceania, and Africa.

IMOU chose Icecat as its content distribution platform for basic and rich product content. This means that all IMOU product content is structured and available in the Icecat catalog in Italian. The basic content is available as well in, Dutch, Spanish and German languages. 

Download IMOU content

IMOU asks all its channel partners to register at Icecat and download the structured basic and rich product content for free. Channel partners can download their specifications, marketing texts, and digital assets. For example, product images, brochures, and manuals. Furthermore, also rich media assets such as videos, and Reasons-to-Buy are available. Complete and correct product content will generate a better buying experience, leading to an increase in conversion rate.

Benefits for channel partners

Channel partners benefit from complete and enriched digital assets that are combined and available in the IMOU product data sheets. The product content is immediately available upon registration. As a result, channel partners have free access to the IMOU content in XML, JSON, and other standard exchange formats.

If you are an IMOU channel partner, use your Icecat account to download its free product content. In case you don’t have an account, please register online, or contact us directly.

Avatar for Vittorio Marino

Key Account Manager Italy

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