From the 2th of June, the structure of the Icecat JSON files in our Pull-API (API-out) will be changed slightly. The impact of this update is very low.
Currently, we may have for the same tag sometimes an object and sometimes an array depending on if there is data for the object or not. An empty array is used when there is no data in the object, but when there is data it’s represented by an object. You can see an example below regarding ProductFamily tag:
Empty object: "GeneralInfo": { "ProductFamily": [], "ProductSeries": { "SeriesID": "1" } }
Populated object: "GeneralInfo": { "ProductFamily": { "ProductFamilyID": "67439", "Value": "OMEN", "Language": "EN" }, "ProductSeries": { "SeriesID": "5821", "Value": "880", "Language": "EN" } }
In the new structure, we will always publish an object’s array, even when it is an empty one without data. The situation with data populated objects will stay as it is right now:
"GeneralInfo": { "ProductFamily": {}, "ProductSeries": { "SeriesID": "1" } }
"GeneralInfo": { "ProductFamily": { "ProductFamilyID": "67439", "Value": "OMEN", "Language": "EN" }, "ProductSeries": { "SeriesID": "5821", "Value": "880", "Language": "EN" } }
For some entities which are scalar, we are using an array. We will still use an array there even with an empty data set. Example: GTIN.
"GeneralInfo": { "GTIN": [ "08710103824428", "8710103824428" ] }
"GeneralInfo": { "GTIN": [] }
Read further: News, JSON
imho, a simple `null` value would seem more logical instead of an empty object.
Would be an approach. Our dev team: “I think we tried to make that consistent across all methods/calls we have, that’s why we had to stick to empty object afair “
About time :P
Getting tired of this: [JsonConverter(typeof(SingleOrArrayConverter))] public List BulletPoints { get; set; }
And, any suggestions for further improvement to make your life easier are welcome.
I need contact information (Economic operators) for brands as mentioned in: .
I checked several products via the JSON API, however I can not find any kind of information at the response payloads.
Can you help me how to find this GPSR / contact information?
Dear Jos
We are busy to add this information to the product JSON and XML files. Also we are busy to create separate file OrganizationList.xml for bulk downloads. The development will be finalized in the middle of February. Meanwhile as the temporary solution you can use SupplierList.xml from the reference files. We put “Brand Owner” and “Representative” in the SupplierList.xml under the tag “CustomerService”
Kind regards
Vazha Abramishvili
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