Copaco Enhances Customer Experience with Icecat Product Stories

copaco x Icecat

Copaco is a leading distributor of Information Technology (IT) products operating in the Benelux region (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) and France. They offer a wide range of high-quality products, including:

  • Computers
  • Printers
  • Networks
  • Data storage
  • Mobile telephony
  • Software
  • Industrial and consumer electronics

Copaco goes beyond simply offering products. They provide a comprehensive service portfolio in areas like server, storage, mobility, and logistic fulfillment, as well as cloud services. Their commitment to knowledge-based distribution ensures their clients receive the support they need.

What are Icecat Product Stories?

Icecat Product Stories serve as dynamic content pages strategically placed below product descriptions. These pages are fully customizable and leverage a variety of multimedia assets to mimic the engagement customers typically experience in brick-and-mortar stores. This includes:

  • Captivating videos showcasing product features and functionalities.
  • Informative feature logos and explanations highlighting key product benefits.
  • Engaging 3D object visualizations providing a 360-degree view of the product.
  • Interactive hotspots offer detailed information at specific points of interest.
  • Compelling image galleries showcasing the product from various angles.

By adopting this multifaceted approach, Product Stories aims to cultivate a deeper understanding of the products. This empowers customers to make well-informed purchasing decisions while relishing a seamless and immersive online shopping experience.

How to Integrate Product Stories?

Integrating Icecat’s Product Stories is a straightforward process that can be accomplished by adding a few lines of Icecat LIVE code to your e-commerce website. Icecat LIVE is a complimentary service that allows you to embed real-time product content using minimal JavaScript coding.
By integrating Icecat’s Product Stories, you can significantly enhance your online product pages, improve customer engagement, and ultimately drive sales.

How to Access Icecat’s Product Stories?

Copaco’s channel partners can easily access the Product Stories through the Icecat catalog. Whether you’re an existing Icecat user or new to the platform, registering for an account gives you access to Icecat’s Product Stories.  Log in to your Icecat account or register as a new user. For any inquiries or assistance, contact us directly.

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

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