Icecat Toys Team to Attend Distoy London 2024  

Distoy London 2024

Icecat is happy to announce its participation in the upcoming Distoy London 2024 edition. The event will be held in London between May 28th and 31st. Rene Rozendal and Rody de Vreden, the Icecat Toy team, will attend the first two days and hope to meet you there as well!

About Distoy

Distoy London 2024 is an international toy show for distributors that brings together toy companies worldwide. The event provides a unique opportunity for businesses to showcase their flagship products and services. Furthermore, it is a great occasion to meet people from the toy industry who want to stay on top of what’s new in preparation for the coming seasons.

Why Attend?

Attending Distoy provides an excellent chance to meet and network with industry professionals worldwide. It is the ideal place to connect with manufacturers, distributors, and other toy industry professionals. Discover the latest trends and business opportunities, or explore new markets. As a result, Icecat is eager to visit this year’s edition to meet with new and existing brands, promote its solutions, and connect with potential partners.

Icecat Toy Team at Distoy

At Distoy, the Icecat toy team René Rozendal and Rody de Vreden are available. With over 100+ toy brands in our portfolio, Icecat looks forward to showcasing its solutions to potential partners and discussing opportunities for collaboration. Are you attending the Distoy event and want to learn more about Icecat’s product content syndication solutions? Then please contact René or Rody via LinkedIn to book a meeting.

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

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