Icecat Present At The Targi eHandlu Event On April 6


We are excited to announce that Icecat will attend the upcoming Targi eHandlu event in Warsaw on April 6, 2023. As a leading product data and content syndication services provider, we’re eager to connect with other ecommerce professionals and showcase our solutions at this must-attend event.

What Is The Targi eHandlu About?

The Targi eHandlu event is a premier ecommerce conference that brings together industry experts, thought leaders, and vendors across Europe. Attendees will be able to network with peers, gain insights from the latest trends and best practices, and explore cutting-edge technologies and solutions.

Why Attend the Event?

There are many reasons why you should attend this event. The reasons include hearing from top industry experts, connecting with potential partners and customers, and gaining valuable insights and ideas for your ecommerce business. Whether you are a retailer, brand, or solution provider, there’s something for everyone at Targi eHandlu.

Bence Varga, as a representative, will be on hand to showcase Icecat’s solutions. He will also be available to answer any questions and provide guidance on how Icecat can help your business succeed. If you want to book a meeting with Bence, please don’t hesitate to connect with him via LinkedIn.

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