ManoMano Uses Full Icecat To Enhance Webshop Content

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ManoMano, founded in France, is a leading online marketplace for home improvement and DIY products. Currently, ManoMano operates in countries such as France, England, Germany, Spain, and Italy with a platform that offers a variety of products focused on home improvement. ManoMano is now using Icecat product content with a Full Icecat subscription to enhance the customer experience for online shoppers.

What are the advantages for online shoppers?

  • Access to better-quality pictures with the option to zoom in
  • Longer features list
  • Detailed description
  • A larger variety of brands

Importance of Content Optimization

Content optimization is a crucial aspect of any retailer’s online presence. It refers to improving the quality and relevance of various types of product content, such as pictures, videos, and detailed descriptions. By optimizing such content, retailers can provide shoppers with a better online experience. High-quality images, for example, can help customers visualize products, while detailed descriptions offer essential information that can aid in purchasing decisions. Furthermore, optimizing content for search engines can help retailers attract more website traffic and improve their visibility on various channels. Content optimization is essential for any retailer looking to stay competitive in today’s digital marketplace.

Are you ready to improve your shoppers’ experience?

If you are interested in joining, Full Icecat provides retailers with the ability to obtain and enhance product content such as titles, descriptions, specifications, and images. To get started, retailers can register for a free Icecat account, confirm their email addresses, and contact Icecat to assign their brand to their accounts. Icecat Vendor Central offers a tutorial on editing data. In case of any questions, retailers can contact their local account manager or reach out to Icecat directly via the website.

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