Icecat Release Notes 161: Multiple user references supported in Media API and new filters on the search page

release notes

In these Icecat Release Notes 161, we explain the latest changes in Media API. Further, we will discuss the development of new filters on the search page. Finally, we will highlight other improvements and fixes. Please, find here the previous Icecat Release Notes.

Multiple User Reference Code in Media API 

The Media API allows users to upload video assets separately via an API. These videos can be presented in Icecat LIVE using a separate call, even if they are not associated with a product data sheet.  We have made an additional development to enable users to link a User Reference Code (URC) to an individual authorized user. This implies that we support multiple URCs per digital asset.

While uploading media assets, users should pass the following parameters using the POST method (/UnlinkedProductMedia/Videos):

  • Title
  • LanguageIds
  • SourceLink
  • OwnerUserId 
  • AccessKey

Furthermore, using another POST method (/UnlinkedProductMedia/Videos/{VideoId}/Accesses), users will be able to add authorized users and their User Reference Codes passing the following parameters: 

  • VideoId
  • Body
  • AccessKey

The body should have the ID of an Authorized User and URC. Ex:


  "AuthorizedUserId": 2147483647,

  "Urc": "string"


New filters on the search page

For this release, we developed and added three new filters on the catalog search page:

  • Product stories – Filters and only displays products that have product stories
  • Related products – Filters and only displays products that have related products
  • Brand PDF – Filters and only displays products that have a PDF other than an Icecat PDF

New metrics and parameters on the category page

We added the following items to the category page:

  • Data Health: the average completeness scores of all product data sheets for all products in the category.
  • Map diagram: displays the number of views/downloads for the respective hovered country,
  • Countries table: displays the rank of category and the data sheet downloads share for the respective country.

In future iterations, the following metrics will be added to the category page:

  • Products (total and active)
  • Number of brands
  • Global rank

Other improvements in Icecat Release Notes 160:

  • User interface improvements on the brand page
  • Fixed name pattern issue for Philips Import

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