Multimedia Object type “other pdf” replaced with “Other Digital Assets”

release notes

In the previous Icecat Release notes 147, we mentioned the support of JPEG assets as “other pdf” MultiMedia Object (MMO) type. In the output files, this is known as “PDF”. However, the “other pdf” type is not correctly reflecting the purpose of this MultiMedia Object type. Therefore we are changing the classification of this MultiMedia Object and replace “other pdf” with “other digital assets”.

The change will be live from the 8th of July 2022 and applied to all output formats, including XML, JSON, PCF, CSV, and the Icecat API-In at the multimediaPost endpoint.

Below, you will find an example to show the areas and values of the above-highlighted change.

Icecat multimediaPost API endpoint:

Icecat multimediaPost API endpoint:
The change will be inside the Type of MMO array, and “pdf” will be changed to “other digital assets.”

2. Changes in the XML repositories, JSON Live API, and PCF CSV

The change will be implemented in the field Type=””. So, for example, instead of Type=”pdf” we will push Type=”other digital assets.”

MediumLegacy attribute valueNew attribute value
XMLType=”pdf”Type=”other digital assets”
JSONType: “PDF”Type: “other digital assets”

If you have any questions about this, please contact us directly.

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