Icecat Release Notes 144: Amazon Authorization and Hide Brand from Titles

release notes

In these Icecat Release Notes 144, we discuss Amazon’s website authorization workflow. Further, we explain a hide the brand name publishing option.

Amazon content publishing authorization

In this release, we introduce Amazon’s content publishing authorization for Icecat users. This new feature will let us use Amazon’s authorization workflow by simply adding a button to the Icecat profile page. By clicking on the “AUTH AMAZON” button, the Icecat users redirect to Amazon’s login page to enter their credentials. As a result, Icecat will receive and securely store the users’ access tokens from Amazon. This will allow, for example, any user to list their products on Amazon. Specifically for brand users, it will allow to add rich content via Icecat in the near future.

Hide the brand name possibility

Another prominent new feature is the possibility to hide the brand names from product titles and short/long summaries. From now on, Icecat editors will be able to hide the brand names from above-mentioned assets by using the checkbox on the brand setting page. When an editor checks the box and applies changes, the name will no longer be shown in product titles, short/long summaries, and headers of content assets.

Support requests and bug fixes

Finally, the team handled and fixed 12 minor support requests, bugs and technical debts in release 144.

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