Belgian E-Commerce Overview

Belgium e-commerce overview

For those who still have doubts: the coronavirus pandemic has definitely put online shopping on the radar of Belgians. The most recent survey figures from prove that almost half of the surveyed Belgians shopped online more in 2020 than the year before. A third of online shoppers placed an order weekly or more – some even several times a day. It is expected that this upward trend will continue. Nearly seven in ten respondents expect to buy the same amount next year. A quarter says they will buy even more online in the future.

The report also gauges the concerns of online shoppers. It is striking that for the first time consumers state the protection of their data as the most important element. Just over half of respondents say privacy is their top concern. They experience this as more important than receiving an undamaged package or a quality product. A quarter of the respondents also appear to be willing to pay more for sustainable products. It is striking that the 50+ generation is more reluctant to pay more for sustainable products. Not even one in ten of them shows a willingness to do so. This is a significant contrast to the younger generations (18-30 & 31-50 years old) who are willing to pay extra for sustainable products.

Belgian e-commerce overview

Some more numbers: 72% of the Belgian population shops online, which is more than the country’s southern neighbor France, but less than their other neighboring countries – the Netherlands and Germany. The average order value is €61.1, which is comparable with other European markets. Notably, among the top 5 players on the Belgian e-commerce market, we can see 2 Dutch names at the very top – and Coolblue, followed by 3 multinational players – Zalando, Amazon, and Apple. The total yearly spending equals 10.3 billion euros.

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