Switching to Secure Channels as a Company Policy

Switching to secure channels as company policy

Icecat is switching to secure channels for business communications. Security and privacy breaches are regularly in the news. As an NPEX listed company, it is essential to switch as much as possible to secure and private communication channels. Important to prevent the leak or potential abuse of confidential and private information. For this reason, we updated our communication media policy.

In the first phase, we switch financial, board, and confidential communication completely to Signal. Signal, an open source-based service launched in 2015, has privacy and security at heart. Its messages are end-to-end encrypted by default. Users need to regularly re-verify themselves with a pin code. Furthermore, a not-for-profit organization runs its messaging service. And finally, the user-base of Signal, unlike Telegram’s, is not tainted by crypto scams and criminal use. The number of Signal app downloads has passed 100 million during 2021, and the user base passed 40 million at the start of the year. Signal appears to surpass Telegram in popularity.

Fully switching to secure channels

In this first phase, common channels, like Email, Facebook, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Skype, or Slack, are still in use in Icecat for commercial projects and communications, but not for higher confidentiality levels. But, in the next phase, we switch all internal communications to secure channels, as messages might accidentally contain sensitive information. And, we will oblige advisors and suppliers to use only secure channels in their business communications with Icecat. To partners, users, clients, and other relations, we will promote the use of secure channels. This, to increase awareness and stimulate discussions.

Based, on discussions and input, we will further refine secure communication policies, and study to what degree we can switch all our communications to secure channels.

How to install Signal?

  1. Download Signal on your desktop, available for Windows and Mac.
  2. For those who want to install it on their (business) phone, download the app in the Playstore or Appstore
  3. Via de App you can easily connect desktop and phone via a QR-code
  4. Next you can add contacts, create groups and chat

The complete step-by-step manual is available at Signal.

Founder and CEO of Icecat NV. Investor. Ph.D.

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