Icecat Release Notes (112): Taxonomy Timestamps, Redesign, Registration confirmations

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Icecat Release Notes

In these Icecat release notes for sprint 112, we discuss the finalization of the brand average review score. Further, we show in these release notes the progress regarding the rollout of timestamps in taxonomy files. Finally, we discuss a few minor and major user interface updates, and improvements regarding HP’s data feed.

Testseek average brand review score finalized

We finalized the import of brand-level reviews data from Testseek. Check this out: We now show the exact number of product reviews on which the average score is based:

Timestamp rollout in taxonomy files

We implemented timestamps (“Updated”) for more taxonomy files. The list of affected files includes CategoriesList, MeasureList, SupplierProductFamiliesListRequest, FeaturesList, FeatureValuesVocabularyList, FeatureGroupsList, and CategoryFeaturesList. In this way, clients automatically notice new values. Through the timestamp, they can also identify when changes are applied. By including these timestamps, you can synchronize your own e-commerce environment more efficiently.

Timestamps in MeasureList
Timestamps in SupplierProductFamiliesListRequest.XML
Timestamps in CategoryFeaturesList
Timestamps in FeaturesList
Timestamps in FeatureValuesVocabularyList
Timestamps in FeatureGroupsList

HP product variants and periods

We added the Release Date and End of Life Date per HP product. So that it’s clear to the channel which products are still active according to HP. Furthermore, HP is now providing market affiliation data per GTIN (EAN/UPC). We implemented this localization data as product “Variants”:

HP feed changes

FVC: brand user can add international images to the gallery

Now, also brand users of Free Vendor Central can add international images to the image gallery as well. Not just to one country to which the respective brand user is assigned. In addition, the brand can update international image attributes as well. A similar change as previously made to managing multimedia objects.

Change EAN into GTIN (EAN, UPC, …)

GTIN is the more generic label for EAN, UPC, or JAN. For this reason, we rename the label “EAN” in the product page, import-export tool, coverage report, distributor list, to the better label “GTIN (EAN, UPC, …)”.

EAN into GTIN name changing in PIM UI

Requests buttons names optimization

A minor change in the front office is that we show now shorter button names. For example, “Request…” became “Add” on the My Profile page:

Front Office buttons names changes

Improved the design of the Login page

In the scope of the Front Office redesign, we changed the design of the Login page (

As a result, it looks far better now. Furthermore, we rewrote it in React, which works quicker, and is easier to support.

Redesigned confirmation emails

Registration confirmation emails are updated with the new design as well. It looks a lot better now!

Fixed bugs

Finally, a few bugs are fixed. A small one was that we removed the Demo tab from the Manufacturer section, as the information that appeared was outdated.

Further, we found that backup languages on the front office were not synchronized with back office settings. Therefore, we reset EN (UK English) as the backup locale for the NL locale. For example, EN Reasons-to-buy now re-appear on NL products when applicable.

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