H1-2020: Demand for Product Content Expanding Rapidly

icecat Q2 report

The demand for product content is expanding rapidly during the first six months of 2020. With a positive first quarter, the second quarter is even better despite or thanks to the corona pandemic. The demand for product data grows as e-commerce is the safest place for shopping, nowadays.

Well-described product content is key to win the loyalty of customers and acquire new ones. During Covid-19, Icecat helps retailers for free, and sees a surge by 49% in free Open Icecat registration, and by 73% in Full Icecat registrations requests, compared to the same period one year earlier. The online demand for product content is undoubtedly growing rapidly.

Icecat.biz product catalog up by 88%

Icecat’s product catalog grew by 88.4% in visits and by 131% in unique visitors and has a -60% decrease in the bounce rate compared to the same period last year. The increased and more focused demand for e-commerce solutions and product data results in an even better quarter than Q1-2020: our analysis shows that Q2-2020 compared to Q1-2020 shows 26% more traffic and 32% more unique visitors.

Iceclog visitors up 299%

The demand for e-commerce solutions is getting higher, visitors that register for Icecat’s solutions are searching for information like tutorials, manuals, and statistics on Iceclog. The Icecat blog shows a big increase in visitors compared to the same period one year earlier: 299% more visits and an increase by 334% in unique visitors.

Icecat’s free data model reaching its zenith

The registration requests during the second quarter of 2020 are up by 49% compared to the same period one year earlier. Online stores get more attention than the brick & mortar businesses today. Simple, timely, and cost-effective solutions are in high demand. Icecat’s free data model enables businesses to complement quickly their physical stores with online stores providing the most crucial ingredient: product data for better conversion and customer satisfaction. Many business owners took the opportunity to start using the free database with product data-sheets. Therefore, the increase in the second quarter of 2020 by 35% compared to the first, is not a surprise.

The requests for Full Icecat also show an increase in demand. Q2 2020 compared to the same period one year earlier shows 73% more Full Icecat requests.

More followers on Social Media

Icecat’s social media pages are showing growth as well in the second quarter of 2020. Cumulative growth by 7% on LinkedIn and by 34% on Facebook. The year-to-date trends on social media platforms are also positive: on Facebook an increase by 20% in followers, and by 3% on LinkedIn.

WebsiteQ2-2020 Visits y-o-yQ2-2020 Unique Visitors y-o-y
RegistrationsQ2-2020 growth y-o-yH1-2020 growth y-o-y
Open Icecat49%35%
Full Icecat Requests73%64%
Social MediaCumulative growth y-o-yFollower growth year-to-date 2020

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