Webinar Product Stories Reaches More than 250 DELL Channel Partners in Latin America


On Monday 4th of May, Dell and Icecat co-organized a Webinar to introduce the new DELL Product Story content to more than 250 of its channel partners in the Latin-American (LATAM) region.

Thanks to the ongoing collaboration for more than ten years, DELL and Icecat have successfully launched this new digital asset for online retail. A Product Story is a relatively new type of content, a fee format html5 mini-site with rich multimedia objects and responsive design, that can be seamlessly included in a channel partners e-commerce site and adapts to the channel partner’s page layout and a user’s display resolution. A Product Story helps partners to optimize page conversion according to their commercial insights and increase product sales by adopting a brand’s rich content messaging. By enhancing product pages conversion improvement by 5% to 25% is reported, and an increase in visitor engagement [1] [2] [3].

This new rich content can be easily integrated by an online retail partner by adding just a few lines of Icecat Live JavaScript code and can be combined with existing integration formats and other Icecat Live content containers.

Thanks to Dell Technologies’ participation in Open Icecat, specifications, images, PDFs, videos… and, also, the new DELL Product Story, can be used for free by all DELL’s channel partners.

You can start including the Dell Technologies Product Story and other DELL content, by registering (FREE).

Please, contact us if you want to receive more information or stay up to date.


[1] The Highest Converting Amazon Enhanced Brand Content Examples

[2] Amazon Enhanced Brand Content | Ultimate Guide

[3] https://www.chinabrands.com/dropshipping/article-how-to-increase-sales-by-amazon-a-content-amazon-ebc-14077.html

Made in Spain, lived in Brazil and based in The Netherlands. After a dual Bachelor in Business Management and Law, I started as a Country Manager at Icecat for Iberia & Latin America.

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