Iconic TV Manufacturer Loewe Bankrupt Again


Loewe, the iconic German tv brand, founded in 1923, was saved in 2013 from bankruptcy by investors. One of these investors is RiverRock (UK), who was not willing to foot the bill anymore. On top op that, CEO Ralf Vogt says that production stops per July 1, to minimize operational costs. Most of the 400 employees will be fired. Only a small investment team will continue to sell stock and other assets to guarantee some return for creditors.

Loewe’s management had already concluded in a strategy update that production in Germany is far from cost-effective, and that only design, Marketing and Sales, and Research and Development could stay in Germany. But it is unclear if there’s interest in restarting the company again.

Furthermore, looking at other TV brands, the long-term trend has been to outsource manufacturing completely to Asian companies, or one step further: to license the brand to a third-party manufacturer such as TPV Taiwan.

Founder and CEO of Icecat NV. Investor. Ph.D.

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