TP-Link Joins Icecat as a Global Brand Sponsor Aiming to Increase its Reach to 6 Billion Consumers


TP-Link the well-known global provider of reliable networking devices and accessories involved in all aspects of everyday life, joins Icecat as Open Icecat brand sponsor. The company is consistently ranked by analyst firm IDC as the No. 1 provider of Wi-Fi devices. Supplying distribution to more than 170 countries and serving billions of people worldwide.

With a proven heritage of stability, performance and value, TP-Link has curated a portfolio of products that meet the networking needs of all individuals. Now, as the connected lifestyle continues to evolve, the company is expanding today to exceed the demands of tomorrow. Tweakers for example, in the best buy guide, features TP-Link’s Wi-Fi devises regularly. TP-Link invites all its B2B and B2C partners to collect their timely standardized content from Icecat free of charge. 

TP-Link aims to increase consumer engagement in over 170 countries with Icecat, to reach out its billions of consumers by syndicating improved and enriched product content via all its resellers, on-line retailer web stores, and marketplaces. 

Established in 1996, TP-Link now offers a broad range of robust high quality and reliable products for business and home.

Moreover, if you are a TP-Link reseller, use your Icecat account to download its free product content. In case you don’t have an account please register online, or contact your local Account Manager, or contact us online.

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