
NEW: Easy Lookup of Taxonomy Per Category

The latest versions of all Icecat taxonomies on category level are now publicly available via our portal. It enables an easier lookup of any category-specific taxonomy by users that integrate Icecat.

On each product page, we enable the download of the taxonomy of the category of the respective product belongs. For example, the taxonomy of Hair Styling Tools is available as a link on the page of Philips Straightener HP8315/00. This text link in the embed section simply says “Download the taxonomy for Hair Styling Tools”. Next, you can download the taxonomy in excel format for easy viewing.

Taxonomy file per category

What is the content of the taxonomy file? It provides an overview of the specifications per category, uniquely identified by an Icecat category ID (“Catid”), and UNSPSC-like classification code. Further, per specification used in the category, it is clarified to what specification group (“Global feature group ID” and “Feature group”) it belongs, the Icecat ID of the respective specification (“Feature_id”), and attributes per specification: Is it a mandatory spec? Is it a searchable attribute? Finally, what are the spec value definition (“Type” like numerical, textual, a value list, boolean, etc.), the unit (“Measure sign” like mm, g, etc), and the descriptive label of the specification (“Feature”)?

This file does not mention the general attributes, used in all categories. These are brand, brand product code, short and long product name and descriptions per language, the data-sheet quality level, GTIN(s), product relations, reasons-to-buy, product image(s), and rich media objects, and any other generic attribute of a product data-sheet.


Currently, this functionality is still in beta. Because we are still improving the structure of the excel output file. For example, two columns will be dropped (“Class” and “Values place”) that have an Icecat internal application. We expect to finalize this improvement by the middle of next month.

For more info about the taxonomy, please, contact your account manager, or contact us online.

Chief Operating Officer at Icecat

Vazha Abramishvili

Chief Operating Officer at Icecat

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