Taiwanese QNAP Systems adds Networking Product Content to Icecat catalog

QNAP product content

QNAP Systems Inc is a Taiwanese corporation that specializes in network-attached storage (NAS) appliances used for file sharing, virtualization, storage management, and surveillance applications. QNAP Systems is now an Open Icecat Sponsor, syndicating its product content to all channel partners in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, and Italy for free. High-quality QNAP Systems product content improves the online customer experience and increases online sales.

Basic and rich content available

QNAP Systems invites all of its channel partners to collect the structured content from the Icecat catalog. Here, channel partners can download the QNAP Systems digital assets. This includes, for example, product specifications, marketing texts, product images, and logos. Next to the basic content, users are also free to use rich media assets, such as images and videos. QNAP Systems’ content is available for free after registration.

Channel partners can download and implement the product content in various formats such as CSV, XML, JSON, or Icecat LIVE. The product content is available in English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, and Italian. Furthermore, to provide legal comfort, QNAP Systems has licensed Icecat to syndicate its copyrighted materials to its channel partners.

Download free QNAP Systems content

Use your Icecat account to download the free product content if you are a QNAP Systems channel partner. In case you don’t have an account, please register online, contact your local Account Manager, or contact us online. 

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