Spanish E-commerce Heading for the Beach?

Summer Ecommerce Items

According to an Aliexpress survey, 22% of the Spanish audience is already preparing for the Summer holiday season. But it’s not business as usual, the “new normal” we are facing now, affects user behavior. Shoppers make their purchase decision based on their needs and new habits which drastically changed from March on. See the fastest-growing e-commerce product categories compared to the same period last year:

In Spain, the Summer is kicking off and 60% of shoppers have the intention to get new items to be ready for the season. Below, a top list of online products for which people have a higher purchase intention now:

  • Aquatic sport items and accessories: kayaks, diving glasses, smartwatches
  • Beach day items: swimwear, sunglasses, beach furniture, skincare
  • Home items: barbecue, board games
  • Personal: E-Books and tablets, subscriptions to streaming platforms

Source: Aliexpress survey

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