Philips Sets Image Expiry Dates for Juice Makers, Vacuum Cleaners, Irons and Steam Ironing Stations


Philips has set expiry dates for a number of lifestyle images that are related to its Juice Makers, Vacuum Cleaners, Irons and Steam Ironing Stations. If you make use of such Philips images, please, make sure to download the latest Icecat file for these products to keep your website up to date.

If you use Philips product images, make sure your systems checks the expiry date attribute

Expiry Dates of Images

Icecat offers millions of images via its database. Some of these images have an expiration date, issued by the respective brands, after which Icecat is no longer publishing the affected images on its website or through its syndication interfaces. Icecat automatically deactivates images that are past their expiry date. As the importance of images is big – as the image needs to be an accurate product representation for the buyer – it is important to keep them up to date at all times.

Expiry dates are not just limited to images, but can also be an attribute of any other digital asset such as videos, 3D animations, digital documents (PDFs), etc.

Image recommendation: 4000 x 4000 px

Further, Icecat has adopted minimum image requirements for brands to deliver, that meet the needs of all key ecommerce partners. We recommend brands to provide images in 4000 x 4000 px to deliver the buying experience that advanced e-tailers prefer to offer, allowing users to zoom in to view all the product’s details.

Further info

Do you want more information about image formats, requirements, restrictions and 360-degree imaging? Please, reed our blogposts or contact us.

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