Philips and L’Oréal dominant in Health & Beauty 2019


Philips, L’Oréal Paris, and Mabelline (also L’Oréal) are the top three brands in Icecat’s Health & Beauty monitor in 2019. The Icecat stat is based on 59 million online Product Data-Sheet (PDS) requests through searches or otherwise. The total number of Health & Beauty brands monitored is a staggering 2,061.


There is, however, a large concentration as the top 25 of brands cover already 68% of brand visibility, and the highest brand share is 28% (Philips). The total brand share of L’Oréal, when all sub-brands would be consolidated, is quite close at about 24%. Consolidated, P&G with sub-brands like Braun and Oral-B, would be the number 3 in the Health & Beauty monitor.

E-commerce Ready

In general, the health & beauty vertical is e-commerce ready. It includes technical products that were among the first products to be sold online, like shaving machines and electrical toothbrushes. And, Beauty products are mostly consumer packaged good, that are relatively easy to select online and distribute through mail. A typical challenge for the beauty industry, however, is the selection of colors. The digital representation of colors might deviate from how colors look in real live. This still might lead to consumer returns.

Founder and CEO of Icecat NV. Investor. Ph.D.

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