
Nintendo Benelux Makes Enhanced Product Stories Available in Open Icecat

Nintendo Benelux is joining Icecat. The assortment of this Japanese brand includes popular gaming consoles and games. In addition, a selection of 34 back catalog products is now covered in the Icecat database with Enhanced Product Stories. New titles will be added in the future.

Enhanced Product Stories

Icecat invites resellers to get standardized product content from Nintendo Benelux. This includes basic content such as product specifications, product marketing texts, and product images. All the uploaded content is available in Dutch.

Next to the basic content, resellers can also download Nintendo rich content in the form of enhanced product stories. Enhanced Product Stories include various digital multimedia assets like videos, screenshots, and product USPs. They follow the look and feel of a brand to ensure consistent presentation across all channels. Furthermore, product stories improve shopper experience and increase conversion rate.

If you are a Nintendo reseller, you are invited to download the product content using your Icecat account. If you do not have an account yet, you can register online. Alternatively, you can contact Icecat online.

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

René Rozendal

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

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