New Syndy Website Shows all Platform Features

new website aims to create a good user browsing experience and convert visitors into leads with a modern design and improved functionality

The Syndy team is proud to announce the launch of the redesigned Syndy website at This new website aims to create a good user browsing experience and convert visitors into leads with a modern design and improved functionality. 

The new Syndy website is a part of the ongoing evolution of the Syndy brand. It was not long since we provided users with a brand-new user interface. Still, as a tech-savvy company, we keep on innovating and providing users with changes based on requirements from the business we are in together. Our team has worked hard to bring users this new feature designed to elevate your Syndy experience.

Improved dashboard

The new dashboard will provide users with the same key indicators they are used to, additional insights, and direct links. Utilizing the new functionalities will provide instant insights, save time, and work the PIM DAM efficiently.

  • Instant overview of connected retailers
  • Offering filters in brands, retailers, and categories
  • Overview of recent activities
  • Completeness scores on product data and assets

Teams Page

The Teams page now offers users a wider set of roles and permissions. Team hierarchies and their specific functionalities can be easily set up. As an administrator, users can easily invite and add responsibilities per user. This will give users an excellent overview of your (global) organization.

  • Define User Roles
  • Assign Permissions to User Roles
  • Manage User Roles and Permissions (only for Admins)


Next to specific data models, Syndy can work with standard categorizations as well. For some brands we work with, we provide an automated solution with Icecat’s database. Categorization helps you filter and define your data and assets for exports, overall maintenance, and improving completeness scores.

  • Automatically prefill category from Icecat taxonomy
  • Assign categories manually
  • Easily update category

What’s next?

We are pleased to share our latest developments with you, and more is coming! We are working hard on our next deployments: retailer-specific assets categorization, product duplication, and a scheduled export capability. All our developments are based on information we rate as valuable for any user in the PIM-DAM space. Furthermore, we will continue to add more features to the website and make it SEO-proof. We also work on tutorial videos, manuals, release notes, and a news section to keep our users informed about the latest product updates and news.

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