New Editorial Office Policies: Working in Shifts


The coronavirus pandemic has changed a lot of aspects in our lives, among others, how and where people do their jobs. Social distancing was the first measure that public health officials recommended in order to slow down the spread of COVID-19. Tech Companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft offered their employees to work remotely even after the lockdown is over.

Despite many people stating that they feel trusted and that employers have done well in implementing home offices over the past months, almost half of the employees expect to return to the office once the coronavirus lockdown fully ends.

How will we go back to the office after enjoying the benefits of working from home?

Icecat is an international company with several offices around the world, and working remotely is a routine for us. Virtual meetings and calls are very common. But sometimes, social distancing can become too distant for people, and we want to do everything possible to make employees feel comfortable.

We decided to adapt our editorial workplace policies to “the new normal”. Regulatory open office spaces require 1.5 meters of social distancing. Although, this may not be economically efficient when there are a lot of employees, 50+ for example, as is the case in the Icecat editorial offices.

In these offices, we have decided to implement flexible working places policies once the coronavirus lockdown ends. We have divided teams in separate areas of the office. But, there are still too many employees to fit in according to the new requirements for distancing. 

Therefore, we are introducing working in shifts so that employees can take turns coming to the office in smaller teams according to their project needs. Of course, those employees with any symptoms or at risk should stay at home. We are preventing people from crowding the office, minimize public transport contacts and help employees to stay safe and maintain at the same time a high level of working ethics. 

Working from home will continue, but balanced with some days at the office. The challenge lies in how to adapt our work culture and keep our work ethos intact.

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