
In H1-2021, Icecat’s Free Database Continued to Expand

Icecat continues to grow in H1-2021: this period showed significant growth compared to the same period last year. This clearly states that the demand for product content is on the rise. Companies are utilizing the benefits of structured content that allows them to market their products faster, while at the same time reducing their costs and time by using an automated solution. In the first half of this year we witnessed growth in users and also Icecat’s database continued to expand.

In this article, we present the insights and stats gathered from the tools we use to follow our own KPIs. Our data and the public data found on Alexa and Similarweb indicate the growth of Icecat’s portals. More detailed information about our rankings on said public tools, the production of datasheets, and the usage of our Free Vendor Central can be read in this article. product catalog recording higher traffic

Icecat’s product catalog grew by 35.9% in users and by 35% in new users. This is followed by an increase in page views. Compared to the previous year, we record an increase in page views by 31% and by 26% in unique page views. The increased demand for e-commerce solutions and product data results in better numbers compared to the second quarter in 2021 and to the previous period as well. In this period, Icecat’s catalog grew by 17.5% in page views, and by 8.4% in users.

Iceclog visits see 96% growth in H1-2021

Visitors that register for Icecat’s solutions are searching for information like tutorials, manuals, and statistics on Iceclog. The Icecat blog in H1-2021 shows a significant increase in visitors compared to the previous year: 96% more visits and an increase of 76% in unique visitors.

Icecat’s database continued to expand

The new registration requests during H1-2021 increased by 2.3% compared to the previous year. Simple, timely, and cost-effective solutions are in high demand. Icecat’s free data model enables businesses to quickly transform their physical stores with online stores providing the most crucial ingredient: product data for better conversion and customer satisfaction. Business owners are taking the opportunity to start using the free database with product datasheets to populate their web stores.

The requests for Full Icecat also show an increase in demand. H1-2021 shows a 5% growth in Full Icecat requests compared to the previous year.

Social Media

Icecat’s LinkedIn page shows cumulative follower growth by 3% in H1-2021. The follower count has been increasing steadily and it is expected to continue in this way.

Stojan Trajkovikj

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