ICURY (ICY) now Monitored on CoinPaprika, CoinGecko and BlockFolio

Icury monitored on coinpaprika, coingecko, blockfolio

Since this month, the ICURY (ICY) market is tracked by CoingGecko (#6,576 Alexa rank), coinpaprika (#34,122 Alexa rank), CMC (#231,614 Alexa rank), and the BlockFolio app, one of the five most used crypto portfolio tracking apps. Particularly, the ICY price changes on Txbit are fed to these tracking sites and apps. The market data of Nocks doesn’t see to be very well syndicated to the trackers yet, which is a pity.

Furthermore, on the most prominent tracking sites, for example, CoinMarketCap (#548 Alexa rank), the ICY logo is now visible. But also the associated market data is not yet visualized there. It will probably take some time, but would mark another emancipatory step of the ICURY. At that time, most probably another parameter that is highly focused on in the crypto community to compare cryptos among each other, the “Market Cap” estimate, might get a value as well. Would be cool.

Founder and CEO of Icecat NV. Investor. Ph.D.

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