IcePim improved version 2.3.3 has been released. The previous IcePIM release includes the option to enrich Product Data-Sheets in batch. What are the new features, improvements, and export opportunities for the improved Icepim version 2.3.3?
Iceshop added the export type “used export” when selecting brands and categories. This helps users to select active brands from the PIM environment.
With a wildcard filter, users only have to enter a small piece of text. This selects or filters out any brand or category that contains that text string.
Further, we added a “promo purchase prices” attribute as a new price field in the warehouse tab. The promo purchase price is directly imported from selected distributors. This will helps users to get a complete overview of their purchase prices.
In general, not all GTINs, or EAN codes, that are delivered by distributors will result in a match with Icecat. This is a result of flaws on the distributor side or because GTINs are not confirmed by the built-in quality check of Icecat.
On the other hand, users would like to receive all available data from distributors, this includes multiple GTIN codes. If they are not confirmed, it is still good to have the data for matching purposes. From now both GTIN quality levels are provided! Icecat’s confirmed GTIN via the general information tab and the distributor GTIN via the warehouse tab. Therefore, users will profit from the best of both worlds.
The performance of product enrichment is improved, and also new matching features are included. The manual product enricher is now able to retrieve content data through the GTIN and custom number (custom number as an alternative to Product Code). For example, there can be two products with the same custom number but with a (slightly) different Product Code.This is useful when a product has multiple variants. For example: if you have two Iphone’s. One new and one refurbished and you would like to offer these as two separate products in your platform. Previously, offering those as two unique products was not possible. Because the Product Code number (example “12345-refurb”) did not match with Icecat’s.Now, there is a solution to this challenge. By using “12345-refurb” as Product Code and filling “12345” in the custom number. It is possible to enrich with Icecat anyways and after enrichment modify the content of each product in the way you like. Users can now perfectly match with Icecat while not causing any ordering problems or issues at your supplier.
The updated logging allows users to better monitor which steps have been taken.
New features and improvements:– export for used brands– export for used categories– wildcard filtering– import and export product warehouse purchase promo price– updated price rules to show the purchase price– saving distributor provided GTIN now by warehouse– improved performance enricher when language not available in Icecat– improved logging– product enricher can now retrieve content data through GTIN and custom number (as Product Code)
Fixes:– lock setting at business rule– an issue with changing the admin language– running jobs checker– saving HTML code for product descriptions– an issue preventing multiple price breaks for price rules– issue linking to incorrect price rules on the product edit page– corrected sorting order for Magento SOAP export
Read further: News, icepim, iceshop, logging
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