Iceclog Release Notes 2.8.0: Implemented Google News Sitemap, Related Blogpost Plugin, and Maintenance Update

release notes

Here, the Iceclog Release Notes for the 2.8.0 version. This release will discuss a new related posts plugin, a Google News XML sitemap, and small navigation changes. For the previous Iceclog Releases Notes, please click here.

Google News Sitemap

Google News is a news aggregator that curates a customized flow of recent news articles and stories from the last 30 days. With implementing a Google News Sitemap the chances of getting our content crawled faster and better are much higher. In this case, we are able to control which content we submit to Google News. More importantly, only posts from the last 48 hours will be processed by Google News.

Google news sitemap

Related Post Plugin

As the previous plugin is disallowed by WPEngine, we changed to a new plugin to further keep improving the user experience of online visitors. But, also help them find relevant information easier. This related post item will suggest similar blog posts at the end of any single post.

Related post plugin

Maintenance Updates

The final task in this Iceclog release notes 2.8.0 is the quarterly maintenance updates. For example, updates on several plugins. But, also minor fixes in the menu as a static page for an overview of the manuals and jobs.

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