
Icecat Vendor Central Now Multilingual. Reporting Filter on Brand Authorized Resellers Added.

The Icecat Vendor Central, its global PIM that is opened up for brand owners’ editors, is now upgraded to meet the multilinguality and reporting requirements of brand owners.

Multilingual PIM

Per January 2020, Icecat Vendor Central users can set the desired language of the user interface. The full set of Icecat supported languages or locales is now also available in the PIM.

This setting controls the language in which specifications are shown in the product page in our PIM. This makes the free Vendor Central more useful for brand editors that don’t fully master English.

A next step will be that all other interface terms, in the PIM, will be controlled by a multilingual dictionary as well, as is already the case for the Icecat portal or frontoffice.

Filter on Brand Authorized Resellers

Icecat has added a new reporting option to limit downloads stats only to a brand’s authorized resellers. This helps a brand’s representative to focus on the performance of its most relevant channel parnters.

Chief Operating Officer at Icecat

Vazha Abramishvili

Chief Operating Officer at Icecat

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