Icecat Studio Release Updates

Icecat Studio

As the Icecat Studio platform evolves, our team is rolling out some awesome new features, including a new design to enhance your experience. The main updates primarily focus on the Search page and Asset page, and as a result, aim to improve usability and streamline your workflow in Icecat Studio. Below is a brief overview of the key changes and, therefore, what you need to know.

New UI Features for Icecat Studio

  • Color-coded background tiles to enhance the readability of variants and statuses
  • Dark theme for a more comfortable viewing experience
  • Informational tooltips to provide helpful guidance and context

Search page

Icecat Studio

Filtering search results

  • New multifunctional identifiers field: You can now search using MPN, EAN, ASIN, Name, or a combination of these to look for multiple products simultaneously (e.g., search three products using MPN, EAN, and Name for each). 
  • The “Status” field was renamed to “Submissions statuses”: This field now includes all available statuses.
  • “Publish statuses”: A new field enabling filtering by publishing statuses.
  • “Publish channels”: Allows you to check the channel where the story is published.
  • New UI for the period filter: Improved design for easier date range selection.
  • Columns selector: A new feature that lets you show or hide data columns, helping you eliminate irrelevant information and focus on the most important details for your workflow.
Icecat Studio
  • The “Filters” button provides access to less frequently used filters, such as “Owner” and “Story Version.”

Search results

Icecat Studio
  • Story variants indication added to the asset.
  • Submission status is now available for each variant.
  • Publication status is displayed per variant for each distribution channel.
  • Preview button opens a redesigned Preview UI with multiple content display options.
  • Approve button is relocated to the Asset Page to prevent accidental clicks.

Preview page

Icecat Studio
  • New Preview UI: Includes a control panel at the top with improved navigation:
    • Switch between story variants seamlessly.
    • Toggle between Mobile, Desktop, and Icecat Live views for greater flexibility.
    • Icecat Live preview (product data + Product Story): Select an MPN and click on Icecat Live to see an example of product story implementation on icecat product data page.

Asset creation

  • The link field is no longer mandatory for creating an asset and has been moved to the bottom of the page.

The asset page

Submission Process block

Icecat Studio
  • Status changes and approval processes are now managed within the Story block for each story variant.
  • Submission status progress bar: A new element that visually indicates the submission status of each Product Story variant within the asset.

General block

  • ASINs field: Now appears beneath the MPNs field for brands with an Amazon integration.
  • Asset History button: Added at the top of the General block, it logs all actions performed within the asset and therefore replaces the old history block.

Stories block

  • Manage status: A new button for overseeing and approving stories.
  • Status indication: Each story variant now shows a clear status.
  • Updated statuses and order:
    • In Progress: The Product Story variant is being created.
    • Mapped: The Product Story has been mapped to the listed MPNs.
    • Completed: The Product Story is ready for approval and publication to distribution channels.
    • Approved: The Product Story will be published by the Icecat Network.
  • “Remove” button is only active for variants with the “In-Progress” status.
  • Archiving variants: You can now archive a story variant so it remains in the asset but does not get published to any channels. This is done via the Manage status button.
  • Product Story adding: Choosing a layout is now possible for a variant if available.

Publish status

The Asset Detail Page now includes a New Publish Status Block, which provides insights into the current publish statuses for each variant across all channels. It also features additional functional buttons for enhanced usability:

  • Preview: Provides a preview of the specific variant. For the Icecat Network, it will automatically show an Icecat Live preview.
  • Details: Displays relevant messages related to product publication, such as error or success publication messages.

Amazon publication behavior

  • For A+ Content, you can either push a draft (even without an ASIN) or publish content directly to the respective ASIN. Subsequently, the API response will be displayed in the Details section.
Icecat Studio
  • A+ Premium: Since Amazon does not currently provide an API for A+ Premium publication, a “Manage status” option is available for informational purposes, allowing editors to manually update the current status on Amazon.

If you have any additional questions, however, feel free to contact us at

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