Icecat Release Notes 137: User Taxonomy, Access Tokens, and Copy Product

release notes

In these Icecat Release Notes 137, we will discuss the support of access tokens. Further, we explain other significant new features regarding the user taxonomy and the copy product page. Finally, we highlight some support requests and fixes. Please, find here the previous Icecat Release Notes.

Access Tokens

In this release, we introduce the support of Access Tokens. This new feature will come at hand for our clients with cloud-based infrastructures that make the support of whitelist configuration pretty challenging. Also, it is increasing the security measures in specific scenarios.

Access tokens are used in token-based authentication to allow access to static assets and dynamic documents. For example, the content Access Token is useful to access static resources like images, videos, and any other supported types of Multimedia Objects. The API Access Token is useful to access dynamic content like product documents via XML or JSON.

Recently, we published detailed instructions and Access Token usage examples.

User Taxonomy Support

Another prominent new feature is User Taxonomy support. i.e., the support of client or non-Icecat taxonomies. Now our taxonomy team can configure a user-specific template, a set of specifications linked to the Icecat taxonomy. The main benefit is that it gives editors the possibility to switch between the default Icecat taxonomy and the user taxonomy on the product page. Toggling to a retailer’s taxonomy hides unnecessary specs and highlights the mandatory ones. For brand editors that are only interested to support the taxonomy of one specific retailer, for example AO’s, this makes their lives much easier.

Additionally, the editorial team is able to select several external taxonomies at once. In this way, the team can be sure that the required features by key retailers are all filled by Icecat and by the brand editor.

Copy product

We added three blocks to the updated Copy Product function:

  • Features
  • Reasons to buy
  • Bullet Points

Support requests and bug fixes

In total, the team completed seven fixes during the sprint of Icecat Release Notes 137. Finally, the team handled and fixed 17 support requests or bugs.

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