
Icecat Release Notes 118: Vertical Indexes, Completeness report

In these Icecat Release Notes 118, we discuss the main new development of Index files per Vertical. Further, we applied a number of small improvements: the addition of the completeness score to a coverage report, adding links to manuals on the Import/Export page, changing documentation icons, and some security improvements. You can find the previous Icecat Release Notes 117 here.

Index files per Vertical

We have released Index Files per Vertical where users can get all the products for a given Vertical. The Index file structure remained downward compatible. The main advantage is that these Vertical Index files are much lighter than the full index files. So it’s much easier to parse them for users that only need the product data for a specialist retailer.

Completeness score in coverage report

The coverage-from-file-report has an additional column for showing the “Completeness score“ per product. After an assortment file is uploaded, the user can enable the “Completeness score“ checkbox and get the additional column in the report.

“Add if missing” policy is added to the ETL tool

When uploading a product feed via the ETL (extract – transform – load) tool, a user can change the import policy. New is that the policy can be set to “Add if missing“. It means that only the information that is missing in a product will be added from the product feed. And thus, the rest of the data will remain untouched.

Select multiple distributors

A new development in the Icecat Free Vendor Central is the possibility to search for the products of multiple distributors at the same time. We added this option to the search page in the advanced search menu. Here, a user can search and set multiple distributors.

Import/Export page improvements

We added links to the Manual for Personalized Interface File and Catalog from Icecat on the Import/Export page for logged-in users.

Further, as a visual aid, we used high-contrast colors in the export files generation bars. See the image below.

Front Office: changed documentation icons

We replaced the old documentation icon with the newly-designed one in the embed block on each product page.

Brand Rank: Right-aligned the “Yesterday” value in the graphs

Front office fixes

  • Based on a recent penetration test result, provided by an independent security expert, we made a few fixes. So that the service became more stable and secure.
  • Replaced an incorrect link on the Downloads page (Import/Export) from the hamburger menu.
  • Data Health progress” did not display on the Brand Stat page on production (mobile version, iOS).
Vladimir Demchuk

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