
Icecat Release Notes 115: Energy Label Attributes, AMP roll out, Data Health Score added

In these Icecat Release Notes 115, we discuss the new energy label attributes, the new column for assignment tracking, and added PDFs to Icecat LIVE. Furthermore, we implemented a warranty update for HP products, the finalized AMP roll-out, the new Brand Data Health score, and extra languages.

New Energy label attributes live

The obligatory new EU energy labels are now live in XML and JSON. The new energy labels can be of two types, the old one and the new one (non-rescaled vs. rescaled). When an Icecat Vendor Central user creates a new (rescaled) energy label, it is now possible to add the EPREL link as well to explain its meaning.

In our back-end, we added REST validation to allow for two labels within one product data-sheet and we added new EU energy label attributes to XML and JSON. Finally, we improved a function to add new labels via import as well.

Added extra column to assignment tracking system

We added a new column to the editorial assignment tracking system that helps editors to ‘book’ products and prevent other editors from describing already ‘booked’ products.

Added all PDFs to LIVE

Earlier, only leaflets and manual PDFs were displayed in the Icecat catalog. But now, we support all Icecat supported PDF objects. For example, any “other PDF”, “EU label”, “EU Product Fiche”, “Size chart”, and “Safety Data Sheet”.

Update warranty for all HP products

We improved the HP import to timely update the warranty from the latest master feed of HP per localization.

AMP for all rest pages

We released the AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages framework) for any type of page on Now we can definitely say that we are 100% AMP! Earlier, we released the AMP for just the Product Page. That had a measurable impact on our website traffic.

Brand Rank: added Data Health score

A new value is now live on the Brand Rank pages: Data Health! It reflects the average brand data-sheets completeness score. We might tune the calculation to reflect better the Brand’s Data Health for its active portfolio. Because the completeness score for obsolete and historic products might be less relevant now. Furthermore, our taxonomy definitions are changing, which implies that older product data-sheets will start to score lower over time.

Brand Rank: Icecat ranks link

The Icecat Rank leads to the Iceclog blog post ‘Icecat Brand Rank: What is It and How to Improve on it?‘ We strive to add transparent and actionable explanations to any item on the brand rank page.

New languages added to Marathi, Bengali, and Malay

Icecat supports 60+ languages, and we keep continuing to add more. This time, we added Marathi, Bengali, and Malay. Besides, user-interface translations are in progress. But, the data-sheets are already available in these three Indian languages!

Support requests

  • Expired images and multimedia objects on product pages appeared no matter if the expiry date has passed or not. Such objects do not appear anymore after the expiry date.
  • Images generation on the Import/Export page of login area: a user could launch the images generation more than once, which terminated the previous process. Now this function is disabled until the image export archive is generated.
Vladimir Demchuk

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