Icecat Release Notes (113): new title tags, vertical access restriction, new Asian languages

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Icecat Release Notes

These Icecat Release Notes 113 describe the new title tags that we added to XML and JSON, application of Vertical access restrictions, the addition of 3 more Asian languages, and search performance improvements.

New tags added to XML and JSON

We included the following new title tags in our XML and JSON output:

<BrandLocalTitle> – a title with the local model description.
<GeneratedIntTitle> – the international (INT) product title.
<GeneratedLocalTitle> – the product title when a product model description is absent.
<ProductLocalName> (in XML: <LocalName>) – shows the local product model description.
<ProductIntName> (in XML: <IntName>) – shows the international (INT) product model description.

The old tags <Name> and <Title> remain without any changes.

Add a description always during import “when missing”

We have added a new policy: if a product description is absent in a product, an imported product description can always be added without any further considerations to the respective product data-sheet. This policy will be applied to the import-export tool in the near future.

New restrictions about verticals on profile

Per February 1, 2021, Full Icecat users can download ONLY the Full Icecat product data-sheets from the Verticals that they are subscribed to on the user level. These changes are applied to our APIs for JSON, XML and LIVE.

Added Marathi, Bengali and Malay

We created three additional locales because of client projects:

  • Marathi (MR) for India, with backup language: Indian English.
  • Bengali (BN) for India, with backup language: Indian English.
  • Malay (MS) for Malaysia, with backup language: Malaysian English.

We are going to add these to the Front Office as well in two weeks.

Removed Smarty completely

In the scope of our technical debt management, we replaced all the Smarty code left with PHP. Finally, we can say that the outdated Smarty code is fully removed!

Front office search improvements

We implemented caching for the search page, so that the first-page load by a user, becomes really fast. We did the same for the main page in the past. Now it became the search page’s turn.

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