Icecat Ranked 47th in Main Software 2021 Edition

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Icecat Ranked 47th in Main Software 2021

Software companies are the engine of the digital economy. The Main Software 50 ranking is based on hard company data and audited by independent research organization Dialogic. This year the ranking took place for the tenth consecutive time. The 2021 edition has seen an increased number of registrations compared to previous years. Icecat ranked 47th in the Main Software 2021 edition with a score of 80%.

“We are honoured about being included in the Main Software Top 50 again for the 4th consecutive time. We thank all our users, clients, partners, and the whole Icecat team. Without them, this result would not be possible. We commit to growth, innovation, and helping consumers make more sustainable purchase decisions.”


In this 2021 edition, there are three companies, including Icecat, that are active in the e-commerce market. Other application areas in the Main Software Top 50 are, for example, Human Resources, Education, Data Quality, and Healthcare software. The list also includes CRM, business intelligence, field service, and content management systems.

Impact of the coronavirus pandemic

With revenue, profit, headcount, and productivity generally increasing in 2020, the covid pandemic seems to have had little impact on software companies. However, the investment in R&D was reduced in 2020. 82% of companies spent more than 10% of revenue on R&D, which is a decrease from 92% in the previous year. Furthermore, the confidence in future revenue growth has returned to the same level as before the pandemic. This year, 58% of companies expect to grow by more than 20%. Last year this was only 42%.

How does Main Software calculate the scores?

The ranking in the Main Software 50 ranking is based on seven key KPIs to rank the success of software companies: the absolute revenues, revenue growth (%), recurring revenue (%), cloud/SaaS contribution (%), profitability, international revenue (%), and finally partner revenue (%).

Avatar for Wouter Maatman

Digital Marketing Manager at Icecat N.V.

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