KatanaPIM Launches Icecat Connector to Distribute Product Content Easily

icecat x katana pim

We are excited to share that KatanaPIM and Icecat have joined forces through a new integration. This is a big deal for anyone looking to sell products online because it means our users can now easily get their hands on detailed product information from Icecat, right inside their PIM. This partnership is all about making it simpler and faster for businesses to manage product data and stand out online. 

KatanaPIM is the single source of truth for product information. It helps brands, wholesalers, and retailers easily collect, enrich, and validate product data from a single platform. Furthermore, it efficiently distributes correct and consistent information to its different sales channels, marketplaces, resellers, partners, and catalogs. KatanaPIM launches an Icecat connector for its users to efficiently distribute product content from the Icecat catalog into your KatanaPIM.

“Using the integration between KatanaPIM and Icecat saves retailers and wholesalers significant time and effort in collecting existing content. This efficiency leaves more time for the content managers to enhance the product description quality and tailor it to their specific audiences. Moreover, it streamlines the process of distributing this enriched content to the right stores or partners.”

Raoul Straathof | Product manager at KatanaPIM

Why use the KatanaPIM Connector?

With this connector, the company offers a solution for all its online users to easily integrate Icecat product content into its PIM. The KatanaPIM and Icecat integration drastically cuts down on manual work, reduces errors, and enhances efficiency for businesses. It grants access to Icecat’s product catalog. Allowing for up-to-date, detailed product listings that stand out in a competitive market. This means businesses can spend more time on growth, knowing their product content is top-notch and in sync with market demands.

Thanks to the integration with KatanaPIM, we enable the Icecat users to enrich their product listings and enhance their product pages easily with Icecat product content. This collaboration revolutionizes the e-commerce landscape, freeing up valuable time for businesses to focus on growth and delivering top-notch product experiences.

Yagiz Cekic | Director of PIM Solutions at Icecat

The Icecat-KatanaPIM connector is just one of the many add-ons that make it easy to integrate Icecat data. Additionally, can find the list with all of the add-ons here or contact us directly and we will tell you more!

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