
8.6 billion Product Data-sheet Downloads in H1-2022 and 13% Decrease in CPD

Icecat’s footprint continued to grow in the first six months of H1-2022. For example, the total number of product data-sheet downloads in H1-2022 reached 8.6 billion which is 48% more than in the first 6 months of 2021.

Increased number of users

The number of Icecat data users reached a total of 106,000 users. This is an increase by 8% in H1-2022 compared to the same period last year. Furthermore, the Icecat Free Vendor Central is becoming more popular among brands. The number of brand managers who want to syndicate their product content via Icecat Free Vendor Central has reached 3,000, which is 15% higher than in June 2021.

Production increases while CPD decreases

Icecat produced up to 1.3 million Icecat quality data sheets in H1-2022, which is 24% higher than last year. At the same time, the cost per data sheet (CPD) decreased by 13% compared to the previous year’s period.

Icecat catalog becomes popular

The Icecat catalog generates more visitors. The total number of product visits on has reached 5.1 billion, which is 73% more compared to H1-2021. This is also reflected in the Alexa ranking, where the website ranking improved by 37%. According to SimilarWeb,’s ranking improved by 17%.

Finally, Icecat’s blog with manual and news, Iceclog, shows an improvement of 41% in the Alexa ranking, caused by an increase of 68% in visits.

Chief Operating Officer at Icecat

Vazha Abramishvili

Chief Operating Officer at Icecat

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