Europe Cracks Down on Excess Packaging, Targets E-commerce and Plastic Waste

Europe Targets E-commerce and Plastic Waste

The European Parliament has taken a big step towards reducing waste with new packaging regulations. These rules aim to make packaging more sustainable, decrease overall waste, and promote a circular economy within the EU.

Less Waste, More Responsibility

The average European throws away nearly 189 kilograms of packaging waste each year, and this number is projected to climb even higher without intervention. The new regulations set ambitious goals to reverse this trend. By 2030, the amount of packaging waste must decrease by 5%, with even stricter reductions of 10% and 15% by 2035 and 2040 respectively.

Focus on Plastic and E-commerce

The European Union is particularly targeting plastic packaging waste. Certain single-use plastic packaging will be banned entirely by 2030, including containers for fresh produce, individual portion packets, and miniature toiletries found in hotels.

E-commerce companies will also need to shrink their footprint. The regulations limit the amount of empty space allowed in packaging used for shipping and online orders. Manufacturers and importers are also responsible for ensuring packaging is minimized by weight and volume.

Reusable and Recyclable Options are Encouraged

The new rules promote the reuse of packaging, with specific targets set for 2030. EU countries will have some flexibility to adjust these targets for a limited time. Additionally, all packaging (except for a few exceptions) will need to meet strict criteria to be considered recyclable.

The Road Ahead

While the European Parliament has approved these regulations, they still need to be formally adopted by the Council before becoming law. Even then, each EU nation will need to incorporate these rules into their national legislation.

Despite these hurdles, some companies are already taking action. For instance, Amazon has begun using exclusively recyclable packaging for deliveries across Europe. These new regulations and proactive measures from businesses mark a significant step towards a more sustainable future for packaging in the EU.

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