
NEW: DELL Enhanced Content with Clickable Features

Enhanced content or Product Stories are an Icecat Live asset that enhances conversion rates and brand consistency of a product page at no cost. With just a few lines of JavaScript in your HTML template, you get thus compelling product information that does not just convey what your product is. But also explains why a customer should buy your products. It typically visualizes a planned use scenario of the product. It is similar to story mapping but focused on a single-use scenario or workflow rather than all scenarios. Technically, this enhanced content consists of an html5 minisite that can contain various multimedia blocks like video, feature explanations, and an image gallery.

This content is organized in various containers, and it is up to you which container you want to select and where to place it. The enhanced content has a responsive design. This means that the site adapts to your display size and resolution. Furthermore, it supports your own page style settings.

Hotspots for clickable features

Further, Icecat introduces clickable features for enhanced content. This helps visitors to select the preferred ports of the product in a slider, which includes hotspots or highlights. Additionally, a 360 view for all ports is possible. And finally, visitors can zoom in and out. Below, a DELL example.

Why use enhanced content?

Why use Product Stories with enhanced content? Your vendors love it as well, as they expect an improved product page conversion by 5-25%. This helps to boost product sales for hero products. For brand owners, it’s further important that they have a consistent messaging in the market. At the same time, it increases visitor engagement with this brand content. As the brand owners take care, via Icecat, of the content production costs, it will help you as a channel partner to reduce content expenditures for interactive, rich product data. The flexible Icecat Live and data interfaces help you to easily integrate enhanced brand content into your website. If you’re not ready for hosting videos and interactive multimedia content yet yourself, we advise making use of Icecat Live containers for that content and process the standard product data-sheet content as you are used to. Typically, via XML, JSON or CSV downloads.

Log in or register to get access to FREE Open Icecat and Icecat Live, so that you can integrate enhanced product content just with a few Javascript lines, or via our data interfaces alternatively.

Floris Bartels

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