
Convert Amazon A+ Content into Icecat Enhanced Product Stories

Recently Icecat converted Amazon A+ content “from the manufacturer” into Icecat Enhanced Product Stories. This is implemented successfully for Hasbro at Benelux toy Retailers like Intertoys, ToyChamp, and Top1Toys. Now Icecat gives all brands the opportunity to convert their Amazon A+ content into Icecat Enhanced Product Stories to create a better online shopping experience at any retailer. 

From Amazon A+ content to Enhanced Product Story

Why create Enhanced Product Stories?

An Enhanced Product Story is a product page with a custom multimedia layout and messaging assets that gives the best product experience to an online shopper. For example, a Product Story can include a video, image carousel, feature logos and explanations, and 3D objects. Most important, It follows the brand’s look and feel, presents its content in a brand-consistent way across the channel, and creates a better online shopping experience for online visitors. 

Recently, Icecat proved to Disney that Enhanced Product Stories boost online conversion by +11% and revenue by +34%. Please read the whole study case here to see how Icecat helped Disney with enhancing content. 

So, are you interested in converting your Amazon A+ content into Enhanced Product Stories? Or do you want to automate your content publishing process? Then please contact us directly via the website, or register for a free account.

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

René Rozendal

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

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