Many Open Icecat brands use Icecat’s reseller authorization module to manage their authorized resellers, at least for the e-commerce segment. Recently the authorized reseller scheme has been extended to the rich media data of Full Icecat-only brands. Today, Icecat added functionality to make it easy for our Full Icecat users to request a brand’s permission online. This helps Full Icecat users to keep track of brand authorization/permissions and become more visible for their brand suppliers and become part of a brand’s online channel strategy.
The release of today includes a simple button, called “Request Approval”. The placement of the button is on every Full Icecat data-sheet on the Icecat website. The button process is to obtain and manage the reseller permission from individual Brands for using its rich media content. Whenever a Full Icecat user would like to become the permitted partner of a Full Icecat brand with some hidden images and other rich media, it is now easy to request the permission by clicking on the “Request approval” button at any product page of the Brand.
Once the Request window appears, a Full Icecat user has to indicate the name and the email of the contact person at the Brand from whom to get permission. After submitting the form, the magic is done.
Icecat’s platform carries out the rest of the work automatically. The Brand representative will receive an email with the reseller request and options to approve or deny the request.
When approved, the user will see that as one will be able to view the Full Icecat’s images and other rich media materials like what one used to for sponsoring Open Icecat brands. The user will also see the respective brand name on the “My profile” tab on the Icecat website next to “Authorized reseller of”.
On this interface the user can send new authorization request to any brand by clicking on the button “ADD AUTHORIZATION”
Open Icecat users can also send authorization requests to the brands. Via “My Profile” on the Open Icecat user can follow the same steps described above by pressing “ADD AUTHORIZATION” button.
An automated permission process takes care of all brands known to Icecat. If the brand is new to Icecat, they will need to register first. After that, our account team will proceed the permission after they verify the person. In addition, getting more permissions from more brand contacts will help a reseller to confirm its status as an appreciated or authorized reseller of a given brand.
Our account managers monitor the request process. In case of hick-ups, they will contact the reseller or the brand.
Read further: News, rich media
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