News uses Free Vendor Central for Dutch and French content

Recently, we migrated to’s new rich content push-API., the multi-billion euro e-commerce giant in the Benelux, uses Icecat product content already for many years. And, is also one of the initiators of the Icecat Toy Data Model.

The use of the new API gives its use of the Icecat Free Vendor Central an extra dimension. Given that the Free Vendor Central allows brands to publish and improve their product content via this Icecat PIM. Free of charge. As a result, Icecat supplies’s catalog is directly with quality content. Which in turn is key to consumer purchases.

Syndication to authorized resellers like

Icecat Free Vendor Central is a supplier portal that leading retailers use to directly on-board their vendor’s product content. Here, brand representatives can easily create an account and enter the product information that they want to publish directly on The product data is not only used by, but also by other retail participants of the Free Vendor Central Program. At the same time, a vendor can restrict the syndication of its content to authorized resellers only.

What are the content requirements of The Dutch e-commerce leader requests the following digital assets: specs, marketing texts, product images, videos, CE-mark images, and further any other digital asset that brand owners can provide. Through the Vendor Central, brands deliver better and more structured data to for better visibility and searchability. This leads to better conversions and generates more sales.

The Icecat portal is multilingual and uses the product content in Dutch and French for the categories baby, computer, consumer electronics, toys, and personal healthcare. Also, the product content for other categories is interesting for Please, contact Icecat case to ensure that your brand’s digital assets and categories are supported.

How to register for Vendor Central?

It is easy to register for the Icecat Free Vendor Central. Firstly, sign up for your Icecat account (FREE). Next, confirm your e-mail address. Finally, contact Icecat to assign your user account to your brand in Icecat.

Do you need help or want more information? Register here or contact your local account manager directly.

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

René Rozendal

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

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