Activating Two Factor Authentication (2FA) in Icecat


To improve on privacy protection and online security Icecat has implemented Two Factor Authentication (2FA) functionality as an additional protection of a user’s account.  2FA is an extra layer of security for a user profile, designed to ensure that only authorized users can access their account, even if someone knows the password. For 2FA we chose to use the Google Authenticator as it is user-friendly designed, stable and well-accepted in the market.

You can activate 2FA option from your user profile

2FA can both be activated in the front office – login via the Icecat website – as in the Icecat editorial backoffice or PIM.

  • In the Front Office you can activate 2FA after clicking on the “Configuration” button next to “Two factor authentication”
  • In the Icecat PIM, the editorial backoffice, you can simply check the box next to  “Google 2fa authentication”

Using Google Authenticator

To activate the 2FA option, please perform the following actions:

  • Download the 2FA application for your device –  Google Play or App Store;
  • Allow the application to access the camera.
  • Enter your secret using the QR code
  • Enter the authentication code and confirm installation

After activation you need to enter the 2FA code next to your login name and password every time you log in the Icecat Front Office or the Icecat PIM.

In case you want to deactivate 2FA option you can do it in the same way as you activated it: by clicking on the “Configuration” button or checking out the checkbox, from the Icecat Front Office and the Icecat PIM respectively. You will finalize deactivation by entering again the authentication code and giving confirmation.

Chief Operating Officer at Icecat

  • commented on March 9, 2023 by Imran

    i have accidently deletd the my 2FA authentication
    how to get it back now
    as i am unable to login now

    • commented on March 10, 2023 by Wouter Maatman

      Hi Imran, the 2FA should be re-actived for your account.

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