Icecat gets SLIM Subsidy for Learning Program

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Learning Management System

Icecat is awarded with the SLIM subsidy. This is a funding from The Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (Het Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid) SZW. This is a fund for small and middle-sized companies to develop their training programs and create a learning culture.

Icecat is growing and we see the need of developing our people. We have an ongoing training program at Icecat. Our employees receive training as they start, and we have events and masterclasses throughout the year. Still, up until recently, the training of new employees has been done within each team. We will continue this but share the knowledge effectively between teams. And although there has been training for all employees in the form of events and masterclasses it has not been very structural. This is why we applied for the SLIM funding. And after three tries we were successful.

In order to do this we will in the coming year implement 3 stages in order to develop the Icecat training program

The Screening

The first phase of developing our learning program is to analyze our organization. But also investigate what we have of knowledge and how effectively this knowledge is. We will gather this information via interviews and an employee survey.

Leadership advice

The funding has a budget for 30 of our employees to get career and development advice. We have chosen to call it leadership advice because we see all our employees as leaders. As we see each of our employees leads in their area of expertise and responsibility. Who is at icecat not just to earn a living but also to develop themselves and Icecat. We expect each of our employees to spot opportunities for Icecat and to see and take action on areas of improvement. 

The Icecat academy

After the screening can start to build a learning program that will bridge the gaps we have in knowledge. Improve the efficiency of knowledge transfer and prepare us for the future of e-commerce. What this academy will look like is too early to say. Still, some ideas that have come up already are to have an e-learning program coupled with a peer-to-peer program that ensures the knowledge is also implemented.

During the whole process, we will ask our employees to contribute with ideas and input. Six employees are part of a working group that has taken on the responsibility to guide the process and give their insights. 

The plan is to finish the Icecat academy with the SLIM subsidy by the end of March 2023.

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