How to Hire in the Post Lockdown World?

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How to hire post lockdown

When the pandemic first started, many people lost their jobs and in most industries, there were barely any new vacancies. Therefore, any company that was hiring could easily choose from huge amounts of candidates. This is now history as the post-lockdown boom has hit the job market. Although the unemployment rate in Europe is still not at the pre-COVID-19 low, it dropped significantly in the second quarter of 2021. So, how to hire in the post lockdown world? New talent is in demand just about everywhere. It is also important to note that the unemployment rate is not always the most representative metric, as there is a significant mismatch between the specializations of the unemployed and the demands of the hiring companies.

how to hire unemployment rates

Qualified candidates are scarce and companies must find creative ways to find and attract them. Ideally, using modern technologies and unconventional ways to truly stand out from the crowd of talent-hungry companies. But before you start briefing recruitment agencies, make sure you are doing it right with your vacancies. Take a look at these do’s and don’ts.

1. DON’T look for superheroes

Companies tend to require a lot more skills and experience than what is actually necessary for the job. Don’t expect candidates applying for junior positions to have 5 years of experience. Don’t require skills that are not needed for the job. Not only are you risking not retaining your candidates once they find out their skills are not being used for the job. You are also preventing many candidates from applying in the first place. Did you know that women are especially likely to not apply for a job unless they completely fit the description? In many cases, you are better off looking for the right attitude and potential in candidates, rather than advanced skills and experience.

2. DO give insights about the company culture

Remember that the hiring process is a two-way street. As much as the candidate needs to convince you of their competency, you need to convince them that your company is a place they want to work at. Have your current employees write blog posts about their onboarding, make a video explaining the company culture or share a few pictures from your latest team building activity. It will give the candidate a better idea of the company environment.

3. DO get creative with promoting your vacancies

Once you establish both what you look for and what you offer, it is important to find the right way of putting it out to the world. Don’t be afraid to use unconventional ways of promoting your open positions. Are you looking for a social media manager? Find them with a campaign on social media. 

4. DON’T judge based on a CV design

Many people don’t know how to write and style their CV, simply because they did not learn it at school. While aesthetic skills are important for some jobs, if you are hiring an engineer, you should be focusing on the facts in the CV, rather than the fonts used. If you are hesitant about a candidate based on looking at their resume, have a conversation with them, as in 5 minutes you will likely find out more about them than from studying their CV. 

The above-mentioned tips might require you to invest some time and effort into adjusting your hiring practices. However, if you succeed at positioning and promoting your company in the right way, you will also likely start attracting the right candidates.

Icecat is continuously looking for new talent to join our team. If you are looking for a new opportunity, make sure to check out our vacancies.

Avatar for Katerina Kadlecova

Online Marketer at Icecat N.V.

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