Icecat Release Notes 114 Summary: Icecat PDFs, unique emails, and adding an agenda in Vendor Central

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Icecat Release Notes

Below, a summary of the Icecat Release Notes 114. In these notes, we describe the creation of Icecat PDFs when a manufacturer has no PDFs, requiring unique emails for user accounts, adding an editorial agenda in Vendor Central, and a few miscellaneous functional improvements.

Front Office: Icecat PDF released!

As announced before, we implemented an auto-generated PDF of product data-sheets. It’s handy for brands that don’t have PDFs available and for their channel partners and consumers. Because of copyright concerns, we limit it to Open Icecat brands, as we have a syndication right for these. The PDF function generates a standard PDF based on the available product data in case that there is no Product Brochure PDF available from the respective brand. We added a timestamp and our standard website disclaimer.

Check the example below:

Icecat PDF

One email, one account

We added an extra validation to the Registration and My Profile pages to restrict new account creation or profile updates by requiring unique email addresses. Unique email address reduces the creation of unused accounts and reduces confusion when password reminders are requested. Over time, we’ll enforce unique email addresses also to existing accounts.

One email can be associated only with one account

Brand rank small changes in Testseek widget

In the brand rank page, we applied small changes related to Teseek’s average review score per brand:

  • Added “,” after thousands in the reviews number.
  • Replaced the widget link with the one leading to iceclog.
Testseek reviews number and link changes

Add Vertical column in the coverage from file report

In the coverage from file report, we added a new Vertical column next to Category column for each language or locale. This information helps to advise customers about the Verticals they probably need to subscribe to.

Language search dropdown improvement in Description block

The recently added Bengali language appeared higher than English in the suggestion box when a user enters “eng” during marketing text creation in the Vendor Central (our editorial PIM).

Indirect user support

To support requests for multiple user names at once:

  • REST/users is modified: now it can transfer multiple user IDs at once.
  • Created a user name suggester in the Free Vendor Central PIM.

Review Product Date

When an editor starts to edit a product data-sheet but misses some information, he can store a review date in the agenda. This is a reminder to return to this product at a later time when more data is likely to be available. It’s a preparation for Cedemo project integration. We’ll have a lot of products imported and editors should have the option to search the products that were edited in the past but will need additional attention in the near future.

  • When an editor, supereditor, or superuser clicks on the Status field on a product with an “owner” that is not “to do” or “undescribed”, the calendar will appear and the user is able to pick a date.
  • The advanced search function also allows for selection by review date.
Review date

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