STRAX joins Iceshop Vendor Network

STRAX joins Iceshop Vendor Network

STRAX joins Iceshop vendor network. STRAX, founded in 1995, is a global provider of technical accessories that enable a mobile lifestyle. Iceshop’s purchasing vendor network is thus growing further, after the recent addition of Flex-IT Distribution, and Integral Memory, to a total of 300+ connected vendors.

Benefits for STRAX and retailers

STRAX has access to the retailers already part of the Iceshop network. Now that STRAX joins the Iceshop vendor network, retailers can more easily find the distributor’s offers in Iceportal. All Iceimport clients have access to Iceportal, the purchase portal of Iceshop.

Through Iceportal, STRAX is easier to find, and this will generate more sales leads for STRAX. When required, we can also fully digitize the purchasing process. Therefore, you can purchase Iceorder; and Iceshop can take care of the automated exchange of price and availability, and order status messaging via Iceportal, Iceimport, and Iceorder. We also provide the products with rich product content in this automation process.

How to add rich product content

Iceshop has a close connection to Icecat to deliver standardized rich product content, i.e., the product data-sheets that manufacturers provide to help end-users in their decision process. Furthermore, rich content is useful for developing search filters and comparison tables. Our single catalog export format includes matching Icecat IDs. This makes it very easy to retrieve the matching Icecat datasheet from the Icecat database.

Benefits of Iceportal

Iceportal is primarily a portal for retailers to find information about products and suppliers. However, it is also an exciting environment for suppliers because it helps suppliers easily find new retailers and expand their distribution networks. One of the main benefits of Iceportal is that retailers can quickly find information from which suppliers they can order; they can also find all status information about their orders. It is also possible to set different search filters to quickly and easily find the desired product.

How does it work?

Retailers that use Iceportal can select STRAX as a preferred supplier. Alternatively, they can find the distributor in the optional supplier list for its supplies. If a retailer chooses STRAX as a preferred supplier, the distributor is added to the connected suppliers’ list. These preferences streamline the ordering processes of a retailer.

Further, system integration is easy as all data from connected suppliers are provided in one single catalog export format. We also make it easy to integrate the standardized data into your environment through plug-ins and end-to-end integrations. There are standard plug-ins available, for example, Magento, Prestashop, and WooCommerce.

By connecting as many retailers and suppliers as possible to the vendor network, we bring supply and demand together.  

Do you want to connect to the Iceshop Vendor Network as well? Please contact us via our website.

Chief Executive Officer at Iceshop BV - visit

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